My name is Komal Babar and I was born in New Jersey city but moved to Georgia in Kindergarten. I love being part of a big family, I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. I am the second person in my family to attend college and having an older sister, who is a sophomore in Agnes Scott, has help me figure out my future since both have a biology major. My academic interests include biology, chemistry, and history. A major co-curricular activity I have been participating in is volunteering at Red Cross, tutoring middle schoolers and participating in a service trip to Morocco. I have learned a lot from volunteering and I have really changed my beliefs after my service trip. For my service trip we went to a village located in the upper part of the Atlas mountains. Arriving there I would definitely see the difference between living there and living in Georgia, from how their houses were built, and how they grew every food they needed and so much more. Before going there anytime I would hear about any country in Africa it could be about the corruption in the leaders or how much poverty is in the countries. After actually going there I realized they really don’t need our help but we are just making some of the process go faster. But, also how whenever countries in Africa are tried portrayed as underdeveloped countries, when in fact they are so many countries who are developed. After this experience I really have tried not to just believe everything I have heard whether it is from news or textbooks but also research myself to see how much it true or how much they are leaving out.